Holy Week in Enna

Holy Week in Enna

Davide Mauro - CC4.0

 Apr 2025

 Enna (EN)

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In Enna the celebrations for Holy Easter open on Palm Sunday and end on Albis Sunday, the Sunday following Easter. In these days the rites dating back to the XV-XVII century , period of Spanish domination are repeated.
The 15 brotherhoods of Enna, from Palm Sunday and until the late morning of Holy Wednesday, each on the day and time established, they move in procession from the church they belong to to the Cathedral for the rite of the "ura", that is the solemn Eucharistic adoration.
Palm Sunday, at 10.00 am, from the Sanctuary of Papardura the brothers of the Passion represent the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem : one of the brothers, representing Jesus, rides on a donkey, preceded by twelve companions holding large palm branches, the apostles. The procession goes up the road that leads to the city and is welcomed at the crossroads of the Monte by the representatives of the brotherhoods and by the party band. The procession stops at the Church of San Sebastiano on whose portal two Roman sentinels of the emperor watch over: Jesus on the donkey and the twelve apostles, crossing this portal among the hosannas of the crowd, start to attend the blessing of the palms and olive trees. The procession continues through the city streets until it reaches the Church of San Leonardo where the passion of Jesus begins, which is commemorated by the simulacrum of the Ecce Homo.
On the afternoon of Good Friday all the Confraternities, over two thousand confreres hooded, they reach the Cathedral from where the solemn procession of the Vare del Cristo morta e dell'Addolorata moves. To open the procession are the brothers of the Company of the Passion who carry on trays the 25 symbols of the martyrdom of Christ, called the Mysteries: the cross, the bag with thirty coins, the crown, the lantern, the rooster, the nails and the tools for scourging. The other Confraternities follow. The procession reaches the church of the cemetery, where the blessing with the reliquary cross containing a thorn from the crown of Christ is given to the faithful, then returns to the Cathedral.
The "'a Paci" ceremony takes place on Easter Sunday, when, in the square adjacent to the Duomo, the statues of the Risen Christ and the Madonna meet and are triumphantly brought inside the church, where they remain on display to the veneration of the faithful for a week.
On Sunday in Albis there is the procession of the simulacrum of the Trinity carried on the shoulders by the confreres of the Holy Spirit. The procession reaches the Castello di Lombardia, where the solemn blessing of the fields is given, then moves to Piazza Mazzini, where the ceremony of the "Spartenza" takes place, that is the separation in which the simulacra of the risen Son and the Mother separate and they are brought back to the churches to which they belong, to symbolize the necessary detachment for the earthly conclusion of the mission of Christ who returns to the Father.

Dates and Scheduling

  Programma Chiesa SS. Salvatore
  Programma Chiesa Maria SS. Addolorata
  Programma Chiesa San Leonardo
  Programma Chiesa San Bartolomeo

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