Easter in Francofonte

Easter in Francofonte is a moment deeply felt by the entire community and presents a rich program of religious events and moments. Of particular importance is the Living Via Crucis which takes place on Wednesday of Holy Week.
On Palm Sunday the traditional blessing of the palms takes place in the church of the Angel in followed by the procession towards the Mother Church, concluded with the Eucharistic celebration.
On Wednesday the Living Via Crucis takes place, a representation that involves about sixty figures in period dress, who recreate and interpret the most salient moments of the drama of the passion of Jesus Christ: the resurrection of Lazarus, the last supper, the arrest, the trial, the procession during which Jesus, loaded with the heavy cross, is guided towards the place of Golgotha from the Chief Centurion and the Roman soldiers, the crucifixion and the deposition of Christ.
On Holy Thursday the commemoration of the washing of the feet takes place. In the evening the procession of Christ to the column will move.
On Good Friday in the evening the procession of the dead Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows takes place.
Easter Sunday, in the main square , the traditional A'ncrinata takes place, the encounter between the simulacra of the Risen Christ and the Madonna, a suggestive and exciting moment.
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