Historic picnic in Caltanissetta

Sep 2025
Villa Amedeo - Caltanissetta (CL)
Dress code: Stile Vittoriano
Ingresso visitatori: gratuito
Inscrizione partecipanti: +39 3470859772
The Historical Picnic in Caltanissetta is organized in the month of September on the occasion of the celebrations in honor of the Patron Saint of the city of Caltanissetta, San Michele Arcangelo, to recall the splendor and atmosphere of the historical picnics that were organized in honor of the Patron Saint .
The event, organized by the Arte e Tendenza association, includes the setting up of a picnic with Baroque, Regency and Victorian settings, field games, entertainment and historical dances involving that period.
The event is attended by figures and dancers in period costume from the various historical re-enactment associations and historical dance companies from various parts of Sicily to recreate in the various spaces of the park of the Villa Comunale, in areas specially separated by historical period , settings, tableaux vivants, atmospheres and dances of the 17th and 18th centuries.
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