Living Nativity in Arenella - Palermo

Via della Leva - Arenella (PA)
Evento da confermare; date non ancora disponibili.
Event to be confirmed, dates not yet available.
The living nativity scene at the Arenella in Palermo, organized by the parish community led by Don Francesco Di Pasquale, takes place in the suggestive and particular scenery of the Arenella seafront between via Leva and the adjacent beach.
Visitors will be offered the vision of symbolic scenes which, starting from that of the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary, will continue with the arrival of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, their search for hospitality, the refuge in the stable, concluding, this first part, with the birth of Jesus.
In the representations of the month of January, however, we will also witness the representation of the arrival of the Magi, their passage from the palace of King Herod, their adoration of the Child Jesus in the cave and will conclude with the Angelic warning given to Joseph to escape to Egypt.
During the crib itinerary it will be possible to witness the re-enactment of the activities and crafts of ancient daily life such as that of the " Curdari ", the " Sarc ituri riti”, as well as the various professions of “Ricuttai and furmaggiari”, “Butchers”, “Bakers”, “Maestri pastai”, “Grape pressers”, “Oste” , “Ciabattino” , “Fabro Ferraio” , “ Carpenter", "Embroiderer", and other figures presented by many voluntary actors who, in costume, will carry out these ancient activities related to the daily life of the Borgo.
Admission is free but reservations are required.
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