Living Nativity Scene in Roccapalumba

Living Nativity Scene in Roccapalumba

 Dec 2024

 Roccapalumba (PA)

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The Living Nativity Scene of Roccapalumba takes place in the evocative ancient houses dug into the rock of the fortress that overlooks the town.
The nativity scene recreates the rural and pastoral life of Sicily at the end of the nineteenth century: shops of ancient crafts, inns, homes domestic, taverns, sheepfolds, chicken coops and many other environments lead up to the cave of the Nativity -
The Roccapalumba nativity scene is also an opportunity to discover the traditions of the place and taste typical local dishes. In fact, a sensorial journey is set up with cheese-making, bread-making, pasta-making and dessert workshops, and with tastings of zabbina, chickpea soup, bread with oil, cooked wine, pasta and typical Roccapalumbese desserts.

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