Living Nativity of Scifì in Forza D'Agrò

Living Nativity of Scifì in Forza D'Agrò

 December | January

 Sciflì - Forza D'Agrò (ME)

Evento non confermato, date non disponibili
Event to be confirmed, dates not available

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The living nativity scene of Scifì, the only hamlet of Forza d'Agrò, is an event organized by the local community. The representation will be animated by about 100 figures who in more than thirty stations will recreate the ancient Bethlehem with particular attention to the reconstruction of the workshops of ancient crafts with objects, accessories and tools of the past. There are also animals with which young and old can interact and the visitor will be given the opportunity to taste tasty typical products and dishes prepared on the spot.
The path of the living nativity scene of Scifì is accessible to the disabled. There are slides and special passages made to allow easy viewing.

If you want to know all the most beautiful nativity scenes in Sicily, read our article Living nativity scenes in Sicily.

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