Torrenova summer program 2024

Torrenova summer program 2024

 summer 2024

 Torrenova (ME)

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Every year in Torrenova a summer program full of events is proposed: concerts, dance and entertainment shows, book presentations, theater performances, cabaret, ...

Dates and Scheduling

2 Sep 2024

18:00 Presentation of the book “Les enfants de la lune” by Felicia Lo Cicero.

Welcome Day SCU. Promozione del Servizio Civile Universale.

3 Sep 2024

22:00 Theater Review. The company I Sautafossa presents the comedy "La cena dei cretini (as always at my house)" by Federica Susini.
 Piazza Autonomia

4 Sep 2024

22:00 The theatrical association I Picciotti presents the comedy “Matrimonio Putativo” by Giambattista Spampinato and Nino Di Maria.
 Piazza Autonomia

Theater festival awards ceremony
 Piazza Autonomia

6 Sep 2024

Amunì festival

22:00 ROCCO HUNT - show case
 Piazza Mare

To follow... "Disco under the sails"
 Piazza Mare

7 Sep 2024

Amunì festival

22:00 FEDEZ - DJ set
 Piazza Mare

To follow... "Disco under the sails"
 Piazza Mare

8 Sep 2024

Amunì festival

22:00 ARISA in concert
 Piazza Mare

To follow... "Disco under the sails"
 Piazza Mare

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 Programma is in no way responsible for any errors, omissions or changes due to unpredictable factors. We strongly invite you to check for any last-minute changes by visiting the website and social media of the event organizer whose links are indicated in the references field.
