Water and Medlar Festival in Altofonte

Water and Medlar Festival in Altofonte

Assianir - CC4.0

 Jun 2024

 Altofonte (PA)

Programma e date saranno a breve disponibili
Program and dates will be available soon

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The Water Festival and the Medlar Festival in Altofonte is an event that aims to enhance the municipalities, companies, and products of the small communities present on the mountains of Palermo.
During the gastronomic event, there will be moments of tasting, promotion and sales for local businesses.

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enjoysicilia.it is in no way responsible for any errors, omissions or changes due to unpredictable factors. We strongly invite you to check for any last-minute changes by visiting the website and social media of the event organizer whose links are indicated in the references field.
