Church of San Giacomo Maggiore in Acquedolci

The Church of San Giacomo Maggiore is a sacred building located on the outskirts of the city.
The church, dating back to the 18th century, has been rebuilt several times: there is news of the building starting from the 11th century.< br>The interior, with a single nave, features several frescoes that narrate the deeds of San Giacomo: in the paintings of the apse San Giacomo is depicted preaching in Judea, a work by Carlo Urbino from the 16th century; painted on the walls of the presbytery are the calling of James and John and The Path to Martyrdom, works by Eugenio Giuseppe Conti from the 20th century; on the vault of the presbytery the Glory of Saint James is depicted, a work by Luigi Galizzi from 1883.
Inside the church there is a wooden simulacrum of Saint James dating back to the 17th century.

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