San Filippo Superiore Waterfall

San Filippo Superiore Waterfall

sicilian_dunes - CC2.0


 Cda Badessa - San Filippo Superiore (ME)

The San Filippo di Messina Waterfall is 15 meters high and rises in the Vallelonga, now known as Valle dei Mulini due to the presence of characteristic mills water, some built over 1000 years ago. At the foot of the waterfall there is a large space from which you can comfortably admire this wonder of nature.
The flow of water of the San Filippo stream, both in the riverbed and in the waterfall, can vary a lot during the year .
The place is also recommended for climbing and free climbing enthusiasts.
The waterfall can be reached with a path of just over a kilometer but the path, being just mentioned and fording the stream, presents some difficulties. It is not suitable for excursions with small children.

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