Former Church of San Giovanni in Novara di Sicilia
Of the Church of San Giovanni in Novara di Sicilia, also known as Chiesa dello Spasimo, today only the monumental facade in local sandstone remains and no trace of its interior.
It is known that in a altar of the church, dedicated to San Giovanni, there was a sumptuous painting dating back to 1778 from which the Church takes its name (the painting is now kept in the Cathedral). in the CathedralThe church was called “del Spasimo” at the time. Another work kept in the church was the painting of the ascent to Calvary, a work of 1598 attributed to the Messina artist Catalano il Vecchio, also called "dello Spasimo", from which the second name attributed to the Church derives.
In the terminal part of the The building had been converted into the first infirmary of Novara di Sicilia; of this garrison we have evidence from written documents of 1651.