Piazza San Sebastiano in Novara di Sicilia

Piazza San Sebastiano in Novara di Sicilia is a place from which to admire a splendid panorama that dominates the whole village. In the square is the war memorial, an exemplary work by Guastalla inaugurated on 24 May 1932, which stands on the site where the Church of San Sebastiano once stood. The Church was erected in 1577 and demolished in 1968 and only the central architectural element survives in the form of a "Rosone" relocated in the external masonry of the apse of the Church of Maria SS. Annunziata.
From the square you can reach the historic center of Novara di Sicilia: along the way you can admire several murals including the one dedicated to the Torneo del maiorchino and at U paorgiu, i.e. the game of the Sicilian spinning top.

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