Fortified farmhouse of the Belvedere in San Filippo del Mela

The fortified Masseria del Belvedere in San Filippo del Mela is located in the hamlet of Olivarella.
It is a small fortified village probably dating back to the 15th century. It stands on a plateau that overlooked the bank of the Mela, to protect against the numerous floods of the river, which today flows at a distance due to the modifications made to its course in 1581.
Inside we find the characteristic elements of this type of settlements: the walls, the beam, the watchtower, the lord's house, the settlers' lodgings, the well and the small church. The latter, very ancient, perhaps of Byzantine origin, is dedicated to the Holy Trinity: inside a plaque commemorates Count Giovan Battista Di Giovanni Ardoino, last lord of the feud.
Some of the houses in the village are still inhabited today.