Mother Church in San Marco D'Alunzio

Mother Church in San Marco D'Alunzio

Gomera-b - CC3.0

The Mother Church of San Marco D'Alunzio, dedicated to San Nicolò of Bari, is the main building of worship in the village.
It was built starting in 1584 and, over the centuries, has undergone several renovations. The current appearance is due to the works carried out during the nineteenth century.

The gabled façade, made of stone, is closed on the sides by two pilasters which frame the three portals in local red marble. The main portal is surmounted by a large window and an elegant rose window.
The interior, with a single nave, has 12 sixteenth-century side chapels.
Inside the church there are works of notable artistic value: the tabernacle made of late Renaissance marble decorated with angels, located in the High Altar; the organ with the gilded wooden choir dating back to 1700; a baptismal font in red Aluntine marble; the canvas depicting the Last Supper dating back to the 18th century; the tella depicting the Holy Trinity dating back to the 18th century; a canvas from 1655 depicting the Madonna of the Rosary by Giuseppe Tomasi; two Renaissance statues in white Carrara marble depicting the patron saints Marco and Nicola; two seventeenth-century wooden statues depicting the Patron Saints; a red marble sarcophagus of Archpriest Lanza Filingeri.

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