Church of Maria SS. Annunziata in San Marco D'Alunzio

The Church of Maria SS. Annunziata in San Marco D'Alunzio is a small religious building that stands at the entrance to the village, in a splendid position from which you can enjoy a splendid panorama of the Tyrrhenian coast.
It was built in the 12th century on what are believed to be be the remains of an ancient pagan temple.
The gabled façade in stone has no valuable architectural elements.
The interior, with a single nave, preserves traces of Byzantine frescoes discovered under the plaster of the walls.
The church houses a valuable marble statue of the Virgin dating back to the 15th century. The statue, from the Gaginian school, has a bas-relief on the pedestal depicting a medieval city. The hands and head of the Virgin were destroyed during a Saracen incursion and were rebuilt in plaster.

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