Church of Sant'Antonio in San Marco D'Alunzio
The Church of Sant'Antonio in San Marco D'Alunzio is a valuable building of worship in the village.
It was built in the 17th century on the ruins of what is believed to be an ancient pagan temple.
The 17th century façade , made of red San Marco marble, is richly embellished with friezes, decorations and noble coats of arms. The main portal is flanked by two columns that support a triple broken tympanum which houses, inside a niche, the marble statue of Sant'Antonio Abate. There are also two smaller side niches which house the statues of Saints Peter and Paul.
The interior, with a single nave, houses valuable works: the statue of the Crucifix dating back to the 15th century; the canvas of the Madonna among the Angels by Damiano de Basilio from the end of the 16th century.