Byzantine and Norman Figurative Arts Museum in San Marco D'Alunzio

The Museum of Byzantine and Norman Culture and Figurative Arts in San Marco D'Alunzio is a unique museum in terms of typology in Sicily.
The museum, housed in the former Benedictine Monastery, extends for over 700 m2. of surface area.
The exhibition space is divided into three sections: the Archaeological section, the section of Byzantine-Norman figurative arts and the section dedicated to the Middle Ages in the Nebrodi.
The Archaeological section exhibits various finds from necropolis, some ceramic fragments, finds dating back to Roman times, bronze seals from the Middle Ages. Among the most interesting pieces in this section we find a sacrificial altar dedicated to Augustus and a Corinthian style terracotta capital, both dating back to the Roman era.
The Byzantine-Norman Figurative Arts Section, housed in the former church of the Four Holy Doctors of the Eastern Church, so called because of the highly valuable frescoes portraying these figures of the eastern church. Inside the church, the pictorial cycle coming from the central apse of the Norman church of S. Salvatore extra moenia has been reconstructed.
The Medioveo nei Nebrodi section displays finds and rich iconographic documentation of different aspects of architecture, sculpture, minor arts and culture in the Nebroid area in the medieval period. Of particular interest is the collection of approximately 200 coins dating back to the period between the 5th and 15th centuries AD. C.
In the square in front of the Museum and the church of San Teodoro it is possible to admire some cisterns from the Hellenistic age and a Hellenistic-Roman mosaic floor.

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