Church of San Francesco di Paola in Ciminna

The Church of San Francesco di Paola in Ciminna is an ancient building of worship in the village.
The date of construction of the church is not known, it is certain that it existed before 1608. In that year some fathers of The Order of the Minims of Saint Francis of Paola settled in Ciminna and began to build their church and their convent. The foundations had already been dug when they received and accepted the offer to move to the church of San Leonardo. The church was then dedicated to San Francesco di Paola, and was built in a position adjacent to the convent.
The simple gabled façade has a single trabeated portal surmounted by a rectangular window. At the top of the facade rises the bell tower.
Inside there are some paintings with scenes relating to the life of the titular saint dating back to 1890.

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