Sanctuary of San Vito in Ciminna

Sanctuary of San Vito in Ciminna

Rino Porrovecchio - CC2.0

The Sanctuary of San Vito in Ciminna is an ancient religious building that stands on a hill not far from the town.
The date of construction of the building is not known but it is certain that it existed before 1610, year in which the presence of the Confraternity of San Vito in this place is documented.
The simple gabled facade, flanked by the bell tower, does not present any architectural element.
The interior, small in size, with a single nave , it has a very sober appearance. It has some side chapels decorated with stucco.
On the main altar there is a canvas depicting San Vito. Of particular value is the sixteenth-century statue of San Vito, located on a side altar.
Some popular tales are linked to the Sanctuary of San Vito.
The church of San Vito was chosen as the location for some scenes of the film Baaria by Giuseppe Tornatore.

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