Church of San Leoluca in Corleone

The Church of San Leoluca , located at the foot of the Sottano Castle , is the place dedicated to the patron saint of the city. in the current district of Sant'Agostino. With the plague of 1575, the cult of the fellow citizen multiplied so much that he was appointed main patron of Corleone. With the subsequent plague of 1624, the current church was built in his honor. The internal decorations and the external portal, however, date back to 1700.
The church houses works of considerable value: the polychrome wooden statue of "Tobias and the Angel", known as "the Guardian Angel", made in 1762 by Salvatore Mazzarese; and the statue of San Leoluca, placed in the main altar, in the niche at the top, object of veneration by all the Corleonese people. The work was probably created by a local author, commissioned by the congregation of the same name. Some scholars argue that the work could also date back to the 13th-14th century and that it was remodeled by Antonino Ferraro1 in 1561. The saint is represented in episcopal robes. Due to damage to a fire, the statue was rebuilt by artists from Palermo.