Church of San Nicolò in Corleone

The Church of San Nicolò in Corleone, also known as the Church of San Nicola, is a small sacred building located at the foot of the Sottano Castle.
The original structure, dating back to 1200, was located at the Piano delle Donne . In 1593, following a violent landslide, the Church was destroyed and it was decided to build it in this new location. The current building dates back to the end of the 1700s.
The façade has a stone curtain wall, brought to light following a recent restoration which however destroyed the original floor.
Inside the church are kept the carved wooden statue of San Nicola dating back to 1896 and some sixteenth-century wooden statues of particular artistic value.
The Vara del Cristo Morto traditionally starts from the Church of San Nicolò on the occasion of the Easter holidays, while from the Sanctuary of Maria SS. Addolorata, located right in front of the church, is the simulacrum of Our Lady of Sorrows.

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