Park of Orleans in Palermo

Park of Orleans in Palermo

Civa61 - CC4.0


 Corso Re Ruggero - Palermo (PA)

The Parco d'Orléans in Palermo is the only ornithological park in Italy and one of the few existing in Europe. It is part of the homonymous villa, which houses the seat of the Presidency of the Sicily Region.
The park was built in the mid-nineteenth century and was used for a long time as a place for agricultural experimentation. Recently, transformed into an interesting ornithological park, it is populated by many species of exotic and Mediterranean birds. In addition to the numerous species of rare exotic parrots, such as Macaws and Conures, it is possible to observe storks, flamingos, pink pelicans and native birds today at risk of extinction, such as the Egyptian vulture, the Sultan chicken, the Francolin, the Owl and the Knight of Italy. There are also fawns.

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