Kronjet Fountains in Piana degli Albanesi

Davide Mauro - CC4.0
In the districts of the historic center of Piana degli Albanesi there are the typical kronjet fountains made of local stone. These fountains enrich the artistic heritage of Piana degli Albanesi and constitute an important historical testimony: in addition to fulfilling their task of water supply, they were a social place where the inhabitants of the neighborhood met, and those passing by, to discuss and exchange news and information.
Among the fountains present in the districts of Piana degli Albanesi of particular interest are: the Tre Kanojvet Fountain in Piazza Grande, a typical seventeenth-century temple-shaped fountain built in 1608. In this fountain it is recalled on January 6, according to the Byzantine rite, the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan; the Fusha and Pontit fountain in Corso Umberto I, which has the embossed coat of arms of the town in the initials "SPQA 1765", the year of its construction; the Kroi me një gojë fountain in Corso Castriota, near the Cathedral, one of the oldest with a typical sixteenth-century shape.