Things to do
Traditional Festivals, Events, Live Show, Concerts,... Chiaramonte Gulfi
What to see, things to do, what to eat, interesting facts
State: RG - Area: Ragusa surroundings
Chiaramonte Gulfi is an elegant town in the Iblei Mountains which enjoys a magnificent position and a wonderful panoramic view that goes from Etna to the Gulf of Gela. For this reason Chiaramonte Gulfi is known as The Balcony of Sicily.
The charming village is enriched by numerous churches, elegant palaces and characteristic alleys. But what distinguishes it from the other towns in the Val di Noto is the high concentration of museums. Chiaramonte Gulfi is in fact also known as the city of museums, it has 8 in total which make this village a very popular destination for art and history enthusiasts.
Chiaramonte Gulfi is famous throughout the world for its Monti iblei DOP olive oil and for its wines. The food par excellence is pork, which is cooked here with art and skill.
What is the best time to visit Chiaramonte Gulfi ?
Chiaramonte Gulfi can be visited all year round: the welcome and warmth of the Sicilians will amaze you. But for an unforgettable experience, admiring the colors, tasting the flavors and fully experiencing the traditions, it is advisable to plan a visit on the days of one of the festivals that take place in Chiaramonte Gulfi during the year.
If you want to know about upcoming festivals and events Click here and you will find a list of the most important ones.
Oil Museum in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Sanctuary of the Virgin of Gulfi in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Ancient Akrillai in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Necropolis of San Nicola in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Church of San Vito in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Town Hall in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Church of San Giovanni Battista in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Arch of the Annunziata in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Giovanni de Vita Art Gallery in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Palazzo Montesano in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Museum of ethnic musical instruments in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Ornithological Museum in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Liberty House Museum in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Embroidery Museum in Chiaromonte Gulfi
Museum of Military Memorabilia in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Museum of Sacred Art in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Church of Santa Maria La Nova in Chiaramonte Gulfi
Traditional Festivals, Events, Live Show, Concerts,... Chiaramonte Gulfi
Typical food, local wines and drinks, traditional dish to taste in Chiaramonte Gulfi
You can obviously taste all the typical products of Sicilian cuisine, the most well-known ones, such as cannoli, Sicilian cassata, arancini, etc. But there are some specialties typical of this area that are more difficult to find in other areas of Sicily.