Chiaramonte Gulfi

Liberty House Museum in Chiaramonte Gulfi

The Liberty House Museum in Chiaramonte Gulfi houses a unique layout in all of Sicily.
The house museum is finely furnished with the furnishings of a house, with furniture made to a design by Ernesto Basile and Carlo Zen and houses numerous precious objects made by artists such as Renè Lalique, Legras, Calderoni. In the exhibition system, each piece is placed in its natural functional setting, in order to highlight the experience and history of these places.

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Thinghs to do in Chiaramonte Gulfi


Coming soon events. Traditional Festivals, Historical reenactments, Musics and enterteinment, Sport, Tour,...

Chiaramonte Gulfi Typical Products


Typical products, traditional Dishes, typical food and desserts, Wine, Beer and Drinks, Handicrafts,...

Fun facts about Chiaramonte Gulfi

Interesting and fun facts about Chiaramonte Gulfi

Movie location and set, Sicilian myths, Legends, habits and Traditions, famous places, folk tales,interesting facts,...
