Scalambri Tower a Punta Secca

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The Torre Scalambri is a coastal defense tower located in the locality of Punta Secca, at the west end of the port.
The tower was built in 1593 by Giovanni Cosimo Bellomo and was part of the defensive sighting system for Turkish, Saracen and Barbary ships. It was in visual connection with other neighboring towers, with the Torre di Mezzo and with the Vigliena tower.
The tower is made up of three floors and a reduced shoe. The tower was equipped with six muskets, a cannon, four “step” muskets, four halberds, a bronze masculine, a broken bell and two petriere masculine. The garrison housed in the nearby building connected to the tower by a small bridge.
The Scalambri tower appears in several scenes of the television drama of "Inspector Montalbano", in fact in the same square where the tower is located he also finds the inspector's house.