Monte Genuardo Reserve

Mboesch - CC3.0
The Oriented Natural Reserve of Monte Genuardo still preserves today some of the most important naturalistic and historical beauties of the place. It is a protected natural area located in the territory of Contessa Entellina, Sambuca di Sicilia and Giuliana. Inside the area there are the archaeological site of Adrenon, an ancient settlement of Punic origin, and the splendid abbey of Santa Maria del Bosco.
The appearance naturalistic of the reserve represents what remains of the ancient forests that covered these territories, is affected by slow and massive landslides which, associated with the action of surface erosion of the rocks, led to the formation of immense rocky and disjointed blocks, on the largest of the such as the settlement of Adranon.
Numerous are the holm oak, maple and downy oak trees that you will encounter along the paths, admiring enchanting panoramas and seeing wild animals such as foxes, boars, hedgehogs, woodpeckers and owls.