Torretta Granitola Beach

Torretta Granitola Beach


 Torretta Granitola (TP)

The Beach of Torretta Granitola is formed by a mainly rocky coast and is bathed by a clear sea full of underwater life. Ideal for snorkelers .
The seaside resort of Torretta Granitola owes its name to the two watchtowers : the first tower, also known as Torretta di Mazara , was made with fired tufaceous stones and has a cylindrical shape, supported by a cone-shaped base and has an external masonry staircase; the second tower, known as “Sorello” from the “Saurello” promontory, is also known as the “ancient lighthouse”. It has a truncated cone shape and has an annular barrel vault. Between Capo Granitola, with its lighthouse, and a picturesque cliff, there is the gulf of "Puzziteddu" with its splendid beach , a true paradise for lovers of water sports .

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