Pignatelli Palace in Menfi

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Palazzo Pignatelli, which dominates the main square of Menfi, is one of the most representative civil buildings of the city of Menfi.
It was built in the 17th century by order of Diego Aragona Tagliavia Pignatelli, prince of Castelvetrano and founder of Menfi in 1638. It was built on the site where the Castle of Frederick II of Swabia stood, of which today only the Frederick tower remains, which in turn was built on the remains of an older Islamic building.
The Palace has a large door main entrance which leads into the large internal courtyard. An imposing marble staircase leads to the main floor where there are twelve rooms with vaulted roofs.
The remains of an early Christian necropolis were found in the rooms on the ground floor and in the courtyard.
Palazzo Pignatelli is home to the Civic Museum of Menfi.