Church of Sant'Antonino in Avola

Church of Sant'Antonino in Avola

Mboesch - CC3.0

The Church of Sant'Antonino da Padova in Avola is a neoclassical style building of worship.
It was built in the 18th century, the land intended for the church was a burial place for many victims of the earthquake. In the 19th century the furnishings were increased and renovated in neoclassical style, at the behest of the owners of the adjacent building.
The façade, divided into two orders, features Tuscan pillars on the first order and Ionic ones on the second. In a central position is the entrance with a round arch surmounted by a large window with a pediment; the façade culminates with the bell tower which is connected to the lower part by baroque scrolls.
The interior, with a single nave, is richly decorated with rococo stuccos.
The church houses several works of particular artistic value: the eighteenth-century wooden statue of the Madonna del Carmine, made by artisans from Catania, placed on the main altar; an interesting canvas applied on a panel depicting Saint Anthony of Padua, dating back to the 16th century.

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