Church of San Giacomo in Buscemi

trolvag - CC3.0
The church of San Giacomo in Buscemi is a late Baroque church characterized by an original elliptical plan with an oval atrium and rectangular apse, of clear neoclassical influence.
The ancient sacred building, dedicated to the Holy Spirit, was built in 1610 in the work of the master builders Marco de Farioro and Antonino Calcararo, based on a project by the master master Pietro Costantino, and destroyed by the earthquake of 1693. The original structure called the church of the Holy Spirit, was destroyed by the earthquake of 1693.
The convex facade has a second order an ancient clock that was added or replaced after the construction of the facade itself.
The interior is characterized by a large ovoid room and a square apse harmonized by a series of arches and windows.
The church , now deconsecrated, is used for exhibitions, conferences and conventions.