Church of the Carmine in Melilli

Church of the Carmine in Melilli


 Via Carmine - Melilli (SR)

The Church of Carmine in Melilli, located in the square of the same name, is one of the religious buildings of the city.
It has a single nave structure with a trussed roof and entrance to the west.
Originally dedicated to San Rocco, inside there are three altars, all in white stone from the Melilli quarries. The main altar is dedicated to the Beata Vergine del Carmine, and in the niche there is the wooden statue of the Madonna. The side altar, on the left, is instead dedicated to the Sacred Heart. In the side altar, on the right, there is a privileged statue of the Madonna del Carmine, which is carried in procession in July. Also you can admire the sculpture of San Giuseppe.

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