Gallery of Palazzo Bellomo in Syracuse

Gallery of Palazzo Bellomo in Syracuse

Herbert Frank - CC2.0


 Via Capodieci, 14 - Siracusa (SR)

The Galleria di Palazzo Bellomo is located in a Swabian-era building, enlarged in the 15th century by the Bellomo family from Syracuse, who made it their home. In 1948, after the necessary adjustments, it became an exhibition venue.
The Gallery illustrates the figurative culture in Syracuse and south-eastern Sicily through medieval and modern art collections, coming from churches and convents or through donations and purchases.
Among the collections kept in the museum of particular interest are: the sarcophagus of the Governor of the Reginal Chamber, Giovanni Çabastida, in whose tombstone the Deposition between Saints Lucia and Giovanni Battista; the sarcophagus of the Governor Giovanni Cardenas, the work of Antonello Gagini, son of Domenico; the Annunciation by Antonello da Messina in 1474; the Burial of S. Lucia by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, painted in Syracuse in 1608 while he was a fugitive from Rome; the collections of sacred silver.

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