Castelluccio in Castiglione di Sicilia

Alessia Saccone - CC4.0
Castelluccio , also known as Castello Piccolo di Castiglione , is located on a small cliff overlooking the village and is located at the same altitude as the large castle of which it can be assumed that it was a outpost towards the inhabited area to integrate the defenses of the castle.
The Castelluccio, during the Middle Ages, was connected to the Great Castle by underground passages, which, it is said, reached the Cannizzo and by a flying passage presumably made of wood and rope .
The masonry technique of the only surviving part consists of an excellent stone masonry lined on the outside with roughly squared blocks of constant size sandstone and with joints made with abundant interposition of shards and flakes. The technique is the same as that used in the tower of San Vincenzo or Cannizzo.