Church of Sant'Antonio in Forza D'Agrò

Soniafrassati - CC4.0
The Church of Sant'Antonio in Forza D'Agrò is an ancient building of worship located in the neighborhood of the same name.
It was built at the end of the 16th century.
Located on the top of a short staircase, the The building has a very simple structure.
The gabled façade, delimited by its pilasters, has, on one side, a small bell tower. The valuable sandstone architraved portal stands out with a winged angel placed in the middle area of the architrave and various motifs in relief; in the upper part in bas-relief two vases with pedestal and volute, placed on the sides, and a central coat of arms. Unfortunately, the passage of time and atmospheric actions are causing the sandstone to gradually crumble. The portal is surmounted by a central window.
The interior, with a single nave, simple and bright, is equipped with seven altars, separated by pilasters, and surrounded by arches surmounted by the winged heads of angels and once containing the images sacred of Santa Lucia, the Addolorata, San Sebastiano, the Madonna del Carmelo, Sant'Antonio Abate, San Filippo and Sant'Antonio da Padova. On the internal part of the facade, above the portal, a coat of arms in white stucco with curved relief edges is still visible where the dedication of the church was probably read.