Terme libere di Segesta

The Free Spas of Segesta in Castellammare del Golfo , also known as Polle del Crimiso , are spas of volcanic origin .
The free baths of Segesta are surrounded by reeds and tamarisks and enclosed between rocky walls of white travertine streaked with pink. They emerge in a beautiful natural setting among oleanders, prickly pears, reeds and castor plants and above all they are totally free. The water of the free baths of Segesta flows from the source at a temperature of about 47 degrees. There are three springs: Bagno delle Femmine, Grotta Regina and Nuova Sorgente for thermal baths, mud baths and antrotherapy, useful in giving benefits in case of rheumatic, respiratory and skin diseases.
The first pool is located near the parking lot and you can get there easily after crossing a small stream. The second, larger one, can be reached by following the course of the stream, a simple but very suggestive route. After crossing a tunnel of river reeds, you walk between high rocky walls and large boulders up to the clearing where the second pool opens up. Here there is also a small cave that many use as a sauna. The legend of the nymph Egesta is linked to the waters of this spring.