Mother Church in Favignana

Marco Lazzaroni - CC2.0
The Mother Church of Favignana , dedicated to the Immaculate Conception , dominates the town's main square.
It was built in 1759 at the behest of Don Giovanni Luca Marquis of Pallavicino and Lord of the Egadi Islands, based on a project by the architect Don Luciano Gambina. The building is located in a decentralized position with respect to the center of the square, because a royal ordinance required to leave the space in front of the Fort of San Giacomo free in order not to hinder the defense functions.
The façade has an almost baroque wooden portal and an architraved window enriched with a stained glass window depicting the same image of the Immaculate Conception present on the main altar. Crowning the facade is a bell gable with three bells.
The single nave interior features a Latin cross plan. Among the works kept inside the church, we mention: a wooden crucifix from the Trapanese School dating back to the eighteenth century; a marble statue of the Immaculate Conception from the Spanish School probably from the late seventeenth century. The documents found in the parish archive attest to the existence of an underground cemetery, functional until 1870, perhaps used as a defensive space during the wars but definitively walled up during the Second World War.