San Rocco Museum in Trapani

San Rocco Museum in Trapani


 Via Turretta, 12 - Trapani (TP)

The Museum of Contemporary Art San Rocco di Trapani is located in the Palazzo San Rocco , which contains the vestiges of the church of San Rocco , in the historic center of the city.
The San Rocco Museum hosts the most significant nucleus of the DiART Collection which has about 130 artists from 22 countries for a total of about 200 works, giving visibility to some important artists already historicized such as Carla Accardi and Alberto Gianquinto, others already established such as Turi Simeti, others emerging such as Adrian Paci, Minjun-kim and Jung Uei Jung.
The atrium has been transformed into a place of worship, precisely an Oratory with a capacity of about 70 seats, with a small apse that houses a modern image of the Crucifix, so the center of the building thus returns to being the church around which all its multiple activities unfold. The Oratory is also presented as a multifunctional, allowing the creation of cultural events that can highlight the ideal recomposition between worship and culture, between worship and real life. Finally, in the rooms adjacent to the Oratory, the works of 23 important artists are now exhibited.

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