Tonnara di Bonagia in Valderice

Michal Osmenda - CC2.0
The Tonnara di Bonagia, located in the small village of Bonagia in Valderice, is a place that embodies centuries of history.
The ancient tonnara dates back to the 13th century and still today presents all the evidence of the historical and cultural past of the small village that welcomes it: the house of the rais, the marfaraggio, i.e. the tuna storage and processing warehouses, the storage place of the muciare, i.e. the boats used for the slaughter; the Tower, the distinctive sign of the village of Bonagia and seat of the Museo del Mare e della Mattanza; the ancient church which houses the original wooden crucifix which once a year is carried in procession by tuna fishermen.
Today the Bonagia tuna fishery has been renovated and has become the headquarters of a Resort.