'Mpanatigghie of Modica


 'Mpanatigghie of Modica

Adriao - CC3.0

The 'Mpanatigalti di Modica' are a typical dessert of the culinary tradition of the city of Modica. It is a biscuit made according to an ancient recipe that combines chocolate and meat. In the biscuit, the flavor of the meat disappears completely.
The recipe was created by the Benedictine nuns in 1700, who devised a way to preserve the meat. In ancient times, in fact, cocoa and sugar were used as natural preservatives to keep the meat for a long time.
The ingredients that make up the recipe are almonds, minced beef, sugar, Modica chocolate, candied fruit, cinnamon and nutmeg. The latter is known in nature as an antiseptic and further preserves the quality and duration of the cake.
For their storage capacity, these biscuits were defined by Sciascia as the "travel biscuit".
