Mother Church in Cammarata

Davideagnellofoto - CC4.0
The Mother Church of Cammarata, dedicated to San Nicola di Bari, is the main religious building of the village.
The current building stands on the site of the old Matrix, destroyed by fire in 1624. It was built at the behest of people and thanks to the funds granted by Count Francesco Branciforti, a few years later. It was completed around 1644; at the beginning of the eighteenth century the dome and the side naves were completed.
The simple façade, in stone, divided into two orders by a string course, is marked by pilaster strips and particular architraves without architectural elements. The central door, built in 1970, well placed in the entire structure, has bronze panels depicting the patron saints of Cammarata, some views of the town and the conquest of the moon which took place in the years in which the portal was built.
The interior, in the shape of a Latin cross and with three naves, is richly decorated with stuccoes, abundant in arabesques and volutes, created in the 19th century.
Among the works kept inside the church, of notable value are: a < b>marble ciboriumby Andrea mancino dated 1490; a sixteenth-century Pietà from the destroyed church of the Bianchi company; a pipe organ from the 16th century. Worthy of note is the large canvas depicting Saint Anne with Saint Joachim next to her, the work of Pietro D'Asaro, known as the Monocle of Racalmuto, a seventeenth-century Sicilian painter, and the canvas depicting the Holy Trinity, to which the church was dedicated, placed on the main altar and attributed to Fra Fedele da San Biagio, a Capuchin painter who lived and worked in that period. The wooden works are also of particular value: the monumental pulpit, the Jury Bench, the choir stalls and the altar of the Madonna dei Miracoli.