Caves of Ticchiara in Favara

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The Ticchiara Caves , in Favara , are a sepulchral complex with materials referable to the early Bronze Age and, in particular, to the Castelluccio culture, which spread from eastern Sicily. < br> The discovery of this site was fortuitous, following the explosion of a mine for works inside a quarry located in Tre Rocche di Ticchiara.
The cave has three rooms in which there were 18 burials with decomposed bones also placed around and under the vases, found in an excellent state of conservation. From the studies carried out on the DNA of the buried individuals it was possible to ascertain that they all belonged to a single family that used the cave for three or four generations.
The vessels found are basins on a high foot , jugs, cups and mugs of various sizes. They have a geometric decoration painted in brown typical of the most ancient phase of the Castelluccio culture. Ceramics of the Malpasso culture of the final Aeneolithic were also found, which testifies to a late use of the cave for residential purposes.