Mother Church of Palma di Montechiaro

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The Mother Church of Palma di Montechiaro , dedicated to Maria Santissima del Rosario , represents one of the most significant works of Sicilian Baroque .
Fu it was built by the Tomasi di Lampedusa family, founders and feudal lords of the city.
It was built in 1666 on a project by Angelo Italia in the place where the church of San Giuseppe stood. In memory of the ancient church, a chapel consecrated to San Giuseppe was built in the new sacred building. closed between two tall bell towers. It has two superimposed orders of columns which reveal from the masonry and broken pediments with a central portal and two minor portals.
The church has a longitudinal plan with three naves, transept and dome. The interior of the cathedral reveals an animated decorative scenery in stucco with a neoclassical flavor. At the end of the aisles is the large presbytery, surrounded by splendid railings and two rich chapels dedicated to the SS. Sacramento and the Madonna del Rosario.
Numerous and valuable are the paintings kept in the church and which were made by Domenico Provenzani, Gaspare Serenari and Raffaele Manzelli. Oratory of the Blessed Sacrament and the Oratory of the Virgin of the Rosary.