The most unusual and folk Carnivals in Sicily
Carnival in Sicily is also an opportunity to revive ancient traditions. In many Sicilian villages during the Carnival celebrations folkloric representations are staged. These representations recall an event or a historical fact that took place in a village or which revive ancient traditions of the place. These are events dedicated to worship and tradition to which a pinch of irony is added linked to the Carnival anniversary. Pantomime, historical re-enactments, travelling theatrical performances, ancient figured dances, dishes and products of the Sicilian tradition, ancient traditional masks are the elements that characterize the most unusual carnivals of Sicily.
You may also be interested in the Most beautiful carnivals in Sicily.
- Carnival in Mezzojuso
- Carnival in Novara di Sicilia
- Carnival in Santa Lucia del Mela
- Carnival in Corleone
- Carnival in Saponara
- Carnival in Antillo
- Carnival in Cattafi
- Carnival in Aidone
- Carnival in Francavilla di Sicilia
- Carnival in San Cono
- Carnival in Montelepre
- Carnival in Rodì Milici
- Carnival in Salemi
- Carnival in Gangi
- Carnival in Balestrate
- Carnival in Piana degli Albanesi
Carnival in Mezzojuso

The Carnival in Mezzojuso is famous for the pantomime of Mastro Campo which recalls the assault on Mezzojuso castle by the Count of Modica to conquer Queen Blanche of Navarre. It is an extraordinary page of unique Sicilian folklore throughout the national territory.
Carnival in Novara di Sicilia

The Carnival in Novara di Sicilia is famous for the Maiorchino tournament that held on Shrove Tuesday. This game, now intangible heritage of UNESCO, consists in rotating, with ropes, molds of Maiorchino cheese for about a kilometre. On occasion of the tournament is also held the Maiorchino Festival during which the shepherds in a sheepfold prepare ricotta and tuma to be distributed to visitors together with home-made macaroni seasoned with pork sauce and sprinkled with grated Maiorchino cheese.
Carnival in Santa Lucia del Mela

The Carnival in Santa Lucia del Mela it is characterized by a carnival rite of very ancient origins: the re-enactment of the cataletto. This rite involves setting up a very special procession that accompanies Carnival until its death.
Carnival in Corleone

On the occasion of Carnival in Corleone the traditional purchase of the porcu frisatu, i.e. the chase of a little pig, takes place. This traditional game is the legacy of an ancient pagan festival. Very characteristic is the typical mask of the Corleone carnival, u Riavulicchi, a demonic figure dressed in red and black, covered in bells and cowbells who go crazy in the squares.
Carnival in Saponara

During the Carnival in Saponara takes place the Pantomime of the bear and the princely court.It is historical reenactment of an event that happened in the eighteenth century: Prince Alliata managed to capture a bear he had caused massacres in the village and to celebrate the incident he had him paraded in chains through the city streets. The folk procession is accompanied by the particular sound obtained with shells, used as a musical instrument.
Carnival in Antillo

The Carnival in Antillo is characterized by masks of the picurari, the shepherds, parading through the streets of the town. It is a disguise of great visual impact that strongly recalls rural life. Traditional are the contradanza dances and the tastings of typical Antillean products: roasted sausage, baked cuzzola and warm seasoned bread.
Carnival in Cattafi

The Carnival in Cattafi is one of most ancient carnivals of Sicily and every year attracts numerous spectators attracted by the originality of its mask: u Scacciuni. This ancient and colorful mask recalls a historical fact that took place in the mid-14th century e it comes to life every year in the traditional carnival parade.
Carnival in Aidone

The Carnival in Aidone is defined as the longest carnival because it lasts until the Saturday following Shrove Tuesday. Aidone boasts the ancient tradition of carnival feasts where the dancers perform tirelessly at the lively rhythm of the scotz, a figurative dance considered by some scholars to be one of the oldest Sicilian dances.
Carnival in Francavilla di Sicilia

The Carnival in Francavilla di Sicilia it stands out for its irony and transgressiveness and the obvious erotic meaning of its symbols. Traditional are the dancing parties that transform the streets of the city into large ballrooms and the exhilarating farce of Cianciùta, i.e. the tears of King Carnival, which takes place on Shrove Tuesday.
Carnival in San Cono

On the occasion of Carnival in San Cono, on Sunday, the traditional Carrivalata di San Cono takes place. It is a characteristic itinerant theatrical representation on horseback in which the actors recite texts that narrate dialectal verses allegories on the trades, customs, and customs of the peasant world.
Carnival in Montelepre

During the Carnival in Montelepre the most original carnival parade in Sicily takes place: U matrimoniu, the marriage. It is a grotesque wedding party complete with a wedding banquet where the typical products of the carnival tradition abound.
Carnival in Rodì Milici

The Carnival in Rodì Milici with its characteristics Months of the year is an event dedicated to worship and tradition. It is one of the most interesting and singular ceremonies in Sicily which proposes, in agro-pastoral dialect, a sort of personification of the twelve months. The event ends with the Scilata di Cannaluvari with tasting of bread and sausages, Mamertino wine and typical sweets of the festival.
Carnival in Salemi

The Carnival in Salemi it is known for its traditional mask, i giardinieri di Salemi, i.e. the gardeners of Salemi. The peculiarity of this mask is the bizarre pantograph instrument that gardeners carry in their hand. This extended tool reaches a length of about five meters and is used to hand out sweets and various sweets to the public.
Carnival in Gangi

On occasion of the Carnival in Gangi the traditional event A Cravaccata takes place. It's an original parade of masked knights and allegorical floats that cross the streets of the historic centre. Stands are also set up with tastings of typical local products.
Carnival in Balestrate

The Carnival in Balestrate is characterized by the traditional Dance of the Shepherds or Masked Counter-dance that takes place on Carnival Tuesday. Traditional are the dances in the square and the tastings of typical local products.
Carnival in Piana degli Albanesi

the Carnival in Piana degli Albanesi takes place according to an ancient popular tradition that overturns the classic values of patriarchal Sicily. It is a party of great folklore in which women, rigorously dressed in masks, with their faces covered, have the right to choose, mock and invite men to dance.