Dionysian Walls of Adrano

The Dionysian Walls of Adrano is the only monument of the ancient Adranon that has always remained visible.
The defensive structure had to surround the entire city, probably leaving only the slope of the Rupe Giambruno unguarded, naturally defended by the overhang. The fortification is built with lava stones, with double facing curtains of lava blocks, squared and dry laid with internal filling of small stones, and is interspersed with quadrangular towers. It has at least two datable phases, the first in the course of the IV and the second in the first decades of the III century BC.
The recent protection and research activity has led to the acquisition of an area that includes the first section of the fortification to the regional state property. The interventions that made possible the enhancement and public use of the monument were concentrated in this area.
Along the tour, a small room exhibits some of the most significant materials found during the excavation campaign. Of particular interest is an accumulation of broken and defective pottery fragments, which can be interpreted as the unloading of a furnace and datable to the third century BC, and of votive depositions, small ritual offerings of vases, coins and food, arranged on several levels and datable in the Hieronian period, between 270 and 216 BC.