Archeological Museum in Adrano

Archeological Museum in Adrano

Magnus Manske - CC1.0


 Piazza Umberto I - Adrano (CT)
Tel.: +39 095 7602608; +39 095 7691622.

Saro Franco Regional Archaeological Museum in Adrano is located at the Norman Castle .
The museum exhibits archaeological finds dating from the Neolithic age (6500 - 3500 BC) up to the Middle Ages (11th century AD).
On the ground floor, at the entrance to the museum, there are two lava stone lions bearing the coat of arms of the Sclafani-Moncada family, the dynasties that ruled Adrano in the Middle Ages. The two halls on the ground floor are dedicated to the exhibition of prehistoric finds found inside the lava flow caves of the Etna Park.
In the hall on the first floor, the exhibition of prehistoric materials continues, objects ranging from the ancient bronze age to the middle and final, found in the territory of Adrano.
The second floor of the Castle is dedicated to finds from the historical period. In the first room, those from the ancient city of Mendolito are exhibited. Of particular interest are: the lava stone columns with Ionic capitals; the Chalcidian helmet from the southern necropolis of the city; the Sicilian divinity of the Primosole bridge from the first half of the 5th century BC. In the second hall the collections from the center of Adranon, the ancient city founded by Dionysius of Syracuse around 400 BC are exhibited. on whose remains the modern city of Adrano arose. Of particular value is the terracotta bust of a female divinity, attributable to the 5th century BC. On the first floor there is also the Castle Chapel, which houses the numismatic collections.
Finally, there are the Sangiorgio Gualtieri Art Gallery, ethno-anthropological collections, book collections, together with the valuable Fondo Imbarrato, a collection of ancient volumes, and a historical archive.

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