Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova in Trecastagni

The Church of Sant'Antonio Padova in Trecastagni, also known as the Church of Purgatory, is annexed to the Convent of the Reformed Fathers.
They were built in 1660 at the behest of Prince of Trecastagni Scipione Di Giovanni.

The Convent of the Reformed Fathers, characterized by simple and linear lines, has inside a valuable quadrangular cloister with squared stone pillars and a large cistern in the center of the courtyard. In the upper rooms the precious wooden shelving of the monastic library is kept.

The church of Sant'Antonio da Padova has a portal, rebuilt following the earthquake of 1693, made with lava material and with cut stone, surmounted by a large Baroque style window.
The interior, with a single nave, features a cycle of frescoes by Giovanni Lo Coco. Of fine workmanship is the monumental altar in carved and sculpted walnut wood and the polychrome marble tomb from 1696 of the prince of Trecastagni Domenico III Di Giovanni.
The nave of the church communicates with an adjacent basement room used in the past as a crypt.

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