Church of San Giacomo in Collesano

The Church of San Giacomo is one of the most important churches in the town as it has historically been the seat of the cult of San Giacomo, in whose honor a grandiose religious festival was celebrated as early as 1530, a procession with horse races and organized a large fair.
The building dates back to the 15th century but over the centuries it has undergone numerous alterations: the valuable Catalan-Gothic portal remains of the original structure. The current appearance of the building is due to the renovations carried out around the mid-nineteenth century and the beginning of the 90s.
Along the north elevation of the church is the Catalan-Gothic portal dating back to the 1400s and there are fragments of decorative frescoes by the Neapolitan painter Orazio Fortunato executed at the beginning of the 1600s.
Among the works kept inside the church, of particular artistic value are: the sixteenth-century wooden statue of St. James the Apostle, a work from 1619 by the Cefalùse sculptor Giovanni Paolo Lo Duca performed; the wooden statue of San Nicola di Bari from the church of the same name, which no longer exists; a sixteenth-century crucifix; St. Francis receiving the stigmata by an unknown local author; the two bells, the oldest of which bears an embossed Madonna with child dated 1506, belonging to the old bell tower with majolica spire which collapsed in the early 1900s.
Leaning against the church of San Giacomo, at a lower level than the square in front of the church, is the Due Cannoli Fountain dating back to 1877.