Isnello Castle

Isnello Castle

Effems - CC4.0

The ruins of the Isnello Castle stand on the top of a limestone ridge that dominates the area.
It is believed that the fortress was built in the early Middle Ages, in the Byzantine or Arab period, and rebuilt in the first half of the 12th century.
The castle, probably created for the purpose of sighting, in the Norman period became part of the defensive system belonging to the Royal State Property. In the feudal period, up to the early years of the sixteenth century, it gradually returned to assuming the role of surveillance. There is no news of the fortress in the following centuries, it is therefore believed to have been definitively abandoned.
The castle had a natural orographic defense, rising on a limestone ridge that was difficult to access, and an architectural defense consisting of a double curtain wall with machicolations and loopholes, with patrol walkways, towers and reinforcement bastions.
In the central part there was the central turreted keep, consisting of four rooms and some service rooms.

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