Path of the Abies Nebrodensis

Gilles San Martin - CC2.0
The Abies Nebrodensis path, in the Polizzi Generosa area, leads to the discovery of the Abies nebrodensis, the only Mediterranean fir species present spontaneously in Italy, at very high risk of extinction. < br> The Abies nebrodensis differs from the silver fir for the smaller size of the adult plants which reach a maximum height of 15 meters, for the squat trunk and the more expanded crown. Another feature is the scaffolding of the cross branches, which is why it is known in Sicily as "arvuli cruci cruci" or "arvulu caccia diavuli". In the past the species covered all the Sicilian mountains with many woods, but the intense exploitation and the changed environmental conditions have determined its rapid disappearance.
The last natural specimens of Abies nebrodebnsis are found in the Vallone Madonna degli Angeli, inside the Madonie Park. The access path starts from the gate of the Piano Noce state property, at an altitude of 1300 meters on the Polizzi Generosa - Piano Battaglia provincial road.